As our family first engaged with UALC when our daughters were youngsters enrolled in Vacation Bible School. Their extraordinary experience, coupled with that first, rich summer sermon series captivated us, and we soon became members of UALC. We taught Sunday school, led new member and middle school youth groups, participated in the men’s and women’s renewal, and
engaged in Bible studies and adult Sunday school. Jane was called to serve on the UALC staff and ultimately had a first-hand experience of contributing to UALC’s ministry on the west side of Columbus in the Hilltop community.
When the Together campaign was shared, we eagerly joined in the effort knowing that not only did we have a responsibility to invest in the church vision, but also that we would experience joy in our commitment. Recognizing that our home has needed remodeling at times, the Together campaign opened our eyes to the need to update the church facilities, as well. In some respects, it was like reading a familiar Bible verse and unexpectedly understanding it in a new way – we have felt comfortable with the Lytham Road facilities; but when challenged to look at the same space from another’s perspective, we suddenly saw its many shortcomings crying for attention.
We realize how blessed we have been and how God-honoring it is to invest in the future of our church’s facilities and ministries, impacting generations to come! We rejoice with the results – hundreds of families and individuals, moved by the Spirit, joining together to pledge over $11 million! We pray that the collective gifts will be multiplied in ways that exceed all that we could ever ask for or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Glory be to God!”
- Jane and Don Leach
Share your Together journey at www.together.ualc.org/stories
or contact Kirsten Svendsen at ksvendsen@ualc.org