In the early days of our marriage, we experienced the profound impact of generosity – both in giving and receiving. We started with small acts of giving, each step deepening our understanding of the phrase, "You cannot outgive God." This journey of generosity has been a cornerstone of our finances and our life together. As we grew in our faith and commitment, we found ourselves drawn to increase our giving, sometimes beyond what seemed feasible based on our income. Yet, each time we stepped forward in faith, God's provision was evident. A quick story from early in our marriage: we knew we wanted to be adamant about giving, but being self-employed, we found ourselves $1,000 short of paying our bills one month. A few days later, a woman we barely knew approached us saying she felt called to write us a check, for $1,000. She said God was faithful to her, and she wanted to pass it on. We were able to do the exact same, with $1,000, just a few short months later. God is precise, purposeful, and faithful.
Our recent commitment to UALC’s Together campaign marked another significant moment for us. Despite initial uncertainties, this decision ended with a clear, unified sense of purpose – a testament to the consistent practice and sometimes slow growth of generosity in our lives. Don't get us wrong though; this journey hasn't been without its moments of doubt. There have been several times when we have seriously questioned our commitment, but each time, God’s peace and assurance have returned to us, reinforcing our decision. This peace, we've come to realize, is more than just comfort; it's an act of worship, a surrender to God's will, and a testament to the joy of giving. We ultimately realized our commitment is more than just financial; it's a deeply embedded connection to this community that has become our extended family. We are excited to be a part of this family, firmly believing that even our small contributions are part of God’s grand design for UALC’s future. As we continue on this path, we do so with the confidence that God will multiply our efforts.