My UALC story began when my younger brother Andy attended Youth Group here, while I was off doing life things like getting married, moving away, and raising a family. My sister and her family would start attending at Lytham Road and we would often go to the services with them when in town.

In 2002, a move back to Columbus and then a divorce brought me back into the UALC circle. I participated in the Divorce Care ministry and later attended the New Member Class which became my first small group. That led to joining the Praise Team at Hilltop Lutheran and when the Celebrate Recovery ministry started, I began leading the Praise and Worship portion, continuing to this day. I am also part of the Praise teams at Mill Run and Lytham Road and consider these folks not only my friends, but family…my ‘band fam’ as we say. Each step taken by me brought me closer to God’s plan for me.
Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I sensed God would use this verse to fulfill his plan for me when he spoke these words to my heart: "There are promises that have been made and gifts that have been given but you will need to stir things up. You will need to take that first step."
I am truly grateful I took that first step to walk with the Lord in the shadow of UALC and I believe there are countless opportunities for everyone to serve and grow in faith here just as I have. One example being the recent Together campaign which made provision for us to share our blessings in a way that allows UALC to fund the much overdue renovation of our campuses. The possibilities for meaningful connection are endless if we take that first step and follow our heart and God’s leading. He will clear the way and open the doors to a beautiful family experience.