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  • UALC Communications

My Together Story: Barb Winter

In the 30+ years I’ve been a member at UALC, I’ve seen a lot of changes. My children grew up here, and Vacation Bible School played a big part in their lives – and in mine. I taught at the preschool. I’ve played in the handbell choir. I’ve been a Sunday School teacher, and I continue to help in the nursery, and I’ve loved being part of AWANA. My UALC family has been with me through the ups and downs of my life, and my faith has grown and deepened as I’ve served others and in turn been cared for and nurtured.

Just as the Together campaign was getting underway, my boss died unexpectedly, and the firm I had worked for over 18 years went out of business. I found myself in a challenging position. Yes, I was planning to retire in a year or two, but this put me in “instant retirement,” and my financial situation was uncertain.

I knew that we needed to renovate our buildings, and I was excited about how these changes would positively impact our mission to reach out to our neighbors with the love of Jesus.  As I prayed about how I could participate in the Together campaign, God gave me a number – a dollar number that he wanted me to pledge. It was higher than what I thought I could manage. But I have learned to pay attention to what God is saying, so I continued to pray and ask him for guidance. As I prayed and as I listened, it became clear to me that this was the amount I should pledge. Once I made the decision, I experienced peace that can only come from following him. 

When it was safe to worship in person after the church had been closed during the worst of Covid, I will never forget Pastor Joe Valentino welcoming us at the door of the church. He greeted us with a “Welcome Home” hug. Yes, UALC is my church home, and I am eternally grateful for the teaching and fellowship I have received here. I know God has plans to continue to bring people to faith in him, and he is using us to bring the gospel to our friends and neighbors.


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