"While my husband was still alive, we learned how to tithe together, but once widowed, I wasn’t sure how I was going to do it. This is where faith stepped in as I continued the practice of giving regularly. Now, considering why I practice tithing, I realize it has become a habit. While this can be good, I recognize that prayer isn’t involved in my decision to 'give what he has first given me.' I no longer struggle to discern how much to give – a tithe is 10% – pretty cut and dried. But shouldn’t there be more to it, maybe some sacrifice; maybe some pain involved? 'Give until it hurts' comes to mind. Maybe it is better put as, 'give until your love is obvious.' This exercise is teaching me that prayer needs to precede every important decision, especially tithing. From now on, every tithe and offering will be discerned in prayer.”
– Judy Webb